Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge
Better Have a Pass When You Cross That Bridge

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Brooklyn is under the weather

I have been in Brooklyn for less than a week now and it is painstakingly obvious that I should have come home a week earlier if I wanted to get out. The weather forecast is forcing me to stay inside...well, not exactly but it seems that that would be the smartest move. I know, who wants to be out in the cold anyway? But come on...Im a college student who only gets a few weeks at home. Why does it have to be like this? If I want a little fun in NY, I cant have it because the skies have opened up and cried on a rainy day. You cant even step outside without sliding down the steps and praying you dont hit the pavement. Either way, this has been a great first week in New York. Snowstorm...great timing. At least we just may have a white warming on pause.


  1. Lovely post, have a great week.

  2. I have always wanted to go to BK as i have heard it is the underground culture city!

  3. A very interesting post !!! I like your blog and for this I stay as follower, I hope you follow me too!!!
    We'll be in touch!!!!
